Package-level declarations


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open class ConfigurationSection<T : Any>(val name: String, val isOptional: SectionOptionality<T>, val kclass: KClass<T>)

A configuration section that can be added to a SectionedConfiguration.

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interface RootConfig

Root configuration for Tegral appliactions.

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A class that can contain an arbitrary number of "sections".

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class SectionedConfigurationDecoder<T : SectionedConfiguration>(sectionedConfigurationType: KClass<T>, sectionedConfigurationTypeFactory: (Map<ConfigurationSection<*>, Any>) -> T, sections: List<ConfigurationSection<*>>) : Decoder<T>

Hoplite decoder for SectionedConfiguration.

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sealed class SectionOptionality<out T>

Provides information on whether a section is optional or not.

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Sectioned configuration class used by the [tegral] block.

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Exception thrown when a section was not found in a SectionedConfiguration.