Package-level declarations


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class AliasDeclaration<TAlias : Any, TTarget : TAlias>(aliasIdentifier: Identifier<TAlias>, val targetIdentifier: Identifier<TTarget>) : ResolvableDeclaration<TAlias>

Declaration for aliases. Use putAlias to create such an alias.

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Interface for classes that need to process some declarations in order to work properly.

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interface DeclarationTag

A declaration tag is data added to a Declaration that can be processed by (installable) extensions via a DeclarationsProcessor.

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A list of declaration tags, used for easier DSL usage.

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An injection environment implementation with an eager evaluation strategy.

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A context builder which can also receive meta-environment components via the meta function.

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class ExtensibleEnvironmentContext(val declarations: Declarations, val metaContext: EnvironmentContext)

A context for ExtensibleInjectionEnvironments. Provides both the regular set of declarations plus a subcontext for the meta-environment.

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Default builder for extensible environment contexts using the DSL.

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An extensible injection environment is an injection environment that supports extensions.

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Equivalent of InjectionEnvironmentKind for environments that support installable extensions.


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Performs the internal logic required for setting up a meta-environment. When creating extensible environments, you should either call this function to create your meta environment, or subclass DefaultExtensibleInjectionEnvironment which will do it for you.

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Filters the given identifiers to only include those whose actual object are subclasses of the given class parameter.

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Puts two tags together into a new DeclarationTags instance.

Convenience function for adding the given tag to this DeclarationTags object, then returns said object.

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inline fun <TAlias : Any, TTarget : TAlias> ContextBuilderDsl.putAlias(aliasQualifier: Qualifier = EmptyQualifier, targetQualifier: Qualifier = EmptyQualifier): Declaration<TAlias>
fun <TAlias : Any, TTarget : TAlias> ContextBuilderDsl.putAlias(aliasClass: KClass<TAlias>, aliasQualifier: Qualifier = EmptyQualifier, targetClass: KClass<TTarget>, targetQualifier: Qualifier = EmptyQualifier): Declaration<TAlias>

Adds an alias to another component within this environment.

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Adds the given tag to this declaration.

Adds the given tags to this declaration.