

SynchronizedLazyPropertyWrapper is a support class for the wrapIn(WithThisRef) mechanism which is deprecated.

Similar to lazy { } but uses a property instead of a lambda for building. Inspired by the SYNCHRONIZED lazy implementation.


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open operator override fun getValue(thisRef: T, property: KProperty<*>): V


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infix inline fun <T, V, R : Any> ReadOnlyProperty<T, V>.wrapIn(crossinline mapper: (V) -> R): SynchronizedLazyPropertyWrapper<T, R>

Utility function that wraps a given property using the given wrapper. This is useful when you want to transform the output of a property in some way.

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infix inline fun <T, V, R : Any> ReadOnlyProperty<T, V>.wrapInWithThisRef(crossinline mapper: (T, V) -> R): SynchronizedLazyPropertyWrapper<T, R>

Identical to wrapIn, but also gives you access to the object the property is owned by in the mapper lambda.