Package-level declarations


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Marker annotation for the Fundef feature.

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data class FunctionQualifier<R>(val function: KFunction<R>) : Qualifier

Qualifier for components that depend on a function. This is mainly for use with fundefs with components of type FundefFunctionWrapper

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class FundefConfigureDsl<R>(val function: KFunction<R>)

DSL object, for use with configureFundef. Provides functions to further configure fundefs.

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class FundefException(message: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : TegralDiException

Exception type for anything that has to do with fundefs.

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class FundefFunctionWrapper<R>(scope: InjectionScope, function: KFunction<R>, qualifiers: Map<String, Qualifier>)

Wrapper class for function definitions (fundefs).


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Configure a fundef by providing additional qualifiers for the underlying function's parameters. Here's an example of what that looks like:

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Retrieve the fundef wrapper for the given function, or throw an exception if no such fundef could be found.

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fun <R> ofFunction(function: KFunction<R>): Qualifier

Creator DSL-ish function for FunctionQualifier.

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Add a function definition to this environment for the given function, with its configuration.

Add a function definition to this environment for the given function.